When is Ambassador Duty in Windsor Free Open?

Ambassador Duty Free in Windsor is open 24 hours a day 365 days a year.

Can I prepay or buy items online?

At this time Prepay and Online purchases are not available however are coming soon!

Can you Ship Items?

As a Land Border Duty Free Store items must be physically picked up and exported to Canada. Items cannot be shipped off site.

Do I have to go to the United States if I shop here?

Yes, Ambassador Duty Free in Windsor is located at the POINT OF NO RETURN at the CANADA/U.S. border. The reason we are able to offer such great pricing is we are a Tax-Free & Duty-Free store. This means all items we offer must be exported to the U.S. Once exported the item can also be brought back to the CANADA if you so desire.

Can I buy in the CANADA and Stay in the CANADA?

No, Ambassador Duty Free in Windsor is located at the POINT OF NO RETURN at the CANADA/U.S. border. The reason we are able to offer such great pricing is we are a Tax-Free & Duty-Free store. This means all items we offer must be exported to the U.S. Once exported the item can also be brought back to the CANADA if you so desire.

Personal Exemptions

  • Except for restricted items, you can bring back any amount of goods as long as you are willing to pay the duties and any provincial amounts that apply.
  • The word “duties” includes duty, excise taxes. It does not include provincial sales tax.
Minimum Absence Exemption
24 hours $200
48 hours $800

Canadians visiting the U.S. *per person

Personal Consumption


  • 200 cigarettes (1 carton)
  • 50 cigars and


  • 1 litre (35 imperial oz.) of wine or liquor or
  • 1 case of beer (24)

Americans returning to the U.S. *per person

Absence Exemption
24 hours $200
48 hours $800
  • Liquor and tobacco are excluded from exemption when absent for less than 48 hours
  • After a minimum stay of 48 hours, you may bring back the following in alcohol and tobacco


  • 200 cigarettes (1 carton) and
  • 50 cigars and
  • 200g loose tobacco


  • 1 litre (35 imperial oz.) of wine or liquor or
  • 1 case of beer (24)

We strive to offer you world-class shopping experience. If you have any compliments, criticisms, or suggestions, please send them to us at supervisors@ambassadordutyfree.com
